Live Web Chat with Arnold Vosloo and Patricia Velasquez : Courtesy MSN
Held on : Saturday, April 21st, 2001
Evil mummy, Imhotep (Arnold Vosloo) is back in this sequel to the blockbuster hit, The Mummy. In The Mummy Returns, Imhotep is outdone by his evil yet beautiful beloved, Anck-su-Namun. Played by gorgeous Venezuelan Supermodel, Patricia Velasquez, Anck-su-Namun is about to raise some hell.
Chat with Arnold and Patricia about their newest film, The Mummy Returns. Go behind the scenes with these villains of the big screen. Then check back with us later for chats with The Rock, (The Scorpion King), Brendan Fraser (Rick O'Connell) and Rachel Weisz (Evelyn Carnarvon)
Digital Dish Diva says:
This afternoon we are pleased to welcome Arnold Vosloo and Patricia Velasquez to MSN Live!
Patricia Velasquez says:
Digital Dish Diva says:
Arnold, Patricia, welcome to MSN Live!
Arnold Vosloo says:
Hey, all you Mummy freaks!
Digital Dish Diva says:
Let's see what the audience has to say.
Digital Dish Diva says:
jlau65 Asks: To either of you, Will this film be stronger than the first?
Arnold Vosloo says:
This movie is like 5,000 times stronger than the first. It's a better film and if they don't like it, I'll give them their seven bucks back when they see me on the street.
Patricia Velasquez says:
The first film was good, but in this one the characters have a great arc and the special effects are great. They all work in conjunction and they work really well.
Digital Dish Diva says:
playme says: Arnold, you played Shakespeare. Which do you prefer-- Shakespeare or action like in "The Mummy."
Arnold Vosloo says:
I prefer both. There's no preference. They're both very different. It's like the difference between a blonde and brunette. They're both beautiful.
Patricia Velasquez says:
What about redheads?
Arnold Vosloo says:
(laughs) That's a whole different thing. Red is danger, danger, danger. (laughs)
Digital Dish Diva says:
LoriVanEkeren Asks: Hi Arnold! Lori here from the AV Resource Page. A lot of your fans are waiting for that leading role in a romantic comedy to come your way! Given the chance, any thoughts on who you would like to co-star with?
Arnold Vosloo says:
Ashley Judd.
Patricia Velasquez says:
You left me out. (laughs)
Arnold says:
No, I don't want to be in a romantic comedy with you. I want to be in a serious kissing movie with you.
Arnold Vosloo says:
And for a male co-star, Morgan Freeman.
Digital Dish Diva says:
tuffywosar Asks: How was Imhotep able to rise from the dead in "The Mummy Returns," when we thought he was destroyed in the first "Mummy"?
Arnold Vosloo says:
All anyone has to do is dug up my fossilized corpse, and find the black book, and read the ancient Egyptian script in the book. You'll notice in the first film that the black book was dropped in a bog. So, watch that again.
Digital Dish Diva says:
dudlee says: Hi Arnold. You have a wonderful voice. Have you ever done voiceovers?
Arnold Vosloo says:
Man, I'm ready! Write me one and send me a check.
DishDiva : yeardley says: Patricia, how did you make the step from modeling to acting?
Patricia : I've been in the theater since I was 5 years old, but not something I wanted to persue, because it comes from ego for models, not the work.
Arnold: That's true.
Patricia: Then I was offered a role as a South American Indian, and it was really well done. I came to L.A. and wanted to become an actress. I got a place to live, a car, learned to drive. (laughs) It is true that there's a lot of compitition, but there's also a lot of work.
DishDiva : punkee3 Asks: did you have to research the history of mummies and Egypt before the filming of both movies
Arnold: Yeah we both did.
Patricia: I think we did for different reasons, Arnold was for aesthetics and for me it was spiritual. The research for the movie is so right. Every little symbol you see has a name, it's not just decoration. I don't think anyone could make a movie to represent history that is so right on.
Arnold: We say we're taking you back to ancient Egypt.
Patricia: There's some interesting things we've found, the first case of breast cancer was found in a mummy. It helped a lot with medicine and if they found one from a higher class she would have opium and it helped her deal with the pain. If she was from a lower class, they could see how it effected them.
DishDiva : ¤fņhØm¤ Asks: Was this film more physically challenging than the first film? Did you have to go through special training for it?
Arnold: I went through some weapons training for the film, but not a lot.
Patricia: In the first, it was very little what I did. For the second we trained for 3 months. We learned ancient martial art called Sai. We mixed it with all the Egyptian movements. We were training for 7 hours a day and, even being a dancer, this was the hardest work I've done.
DishDiva : Yule Asks: Mr. Vosloo, why do you always play the Villain? I remember you in "Hard Target."
Arnold: If you remembered me, that means I was very good as the Villain and that's why I played the Villain.
DishDiva: Maazix Asks: In the second movie, is the gold book ever recovered?
Arnold : It's a secret when that will be revealed when the mummy returns
DishDiva : sabiyagodwin Asks: Patricia, you looked extremely clothed in the paint and swatch of fabric in The Mummy. Did you feel clothed?
Patricia: No, there was painting that took 13 hours to put on. It wasn't claustrophobic, I just had to be patient. In the Mummy 2, there were a lot of clothes.
Arnold : That's a price you have to pay.
DishDiva : gladiator says: To both of you, what do you do to keep yourselves busy during down time on the set?
Arnold : (laughs)
Arnold: Patricia listens to music.
Patricia: I was next to Arnold's trailer and I had to turn it down because I knew he was sleeping. I like Latin music.
Arnold: I was trying to avoid my co-stars dressing rooms that were playing loud Latin music.
Patricia Velasquez says:
You were dancing to it!
DishDiva : Oliver says: I know this was a serious film but were there any pranks going on? If so, who was the prankster?
Arnold: John Hannah was the prankster. He was giving wedgies and always making trouble.
Patricia: When you saw John you would run, and with Arnold was even worse, it's like 2 kids
DishDiva : kara1463 Asks: Arnold did you have to take lessons for the camel riding in TMR?
Patricia: I did.
Arnold: I didn't, you're a glutton for punishment, Patricia. I had a very good camel.
DishDiva : Arnold, what makes for a very good camel?
Arnold: One that is being led by a really big trainer.
Patricia: When we were doing one take, we had a little chair on the camel, I could feel myself going to the side and tried to pull myself straight.By the end I was a contortionist. (laughs)
DishDiva : Jesslynn1 Asks: Did either of you consider not returning for the sequel, or was it something you were excited to do?
Arnold: Excited because of our director and writer Steve Sommers.
Patricia: I was excited to be given a larger role, it was an honor.
DishDiva : For those who haven't seen the trailers yet. Can you tell us about both of your characters in this film?
Patricia: My name is Meela and my job is to resurect the mummy, and when I do, he has to bring me back to Anck-Su-Namun, it's a big love story.
DishDiva : Dogzilla187 Asks: How did they like working with The Rock?
Arnold Vosloo says:
We didn't work with him. He worked in Morocco, and when Brendan and I fight with him in the end, he's a computer image. We got to meet him and people would be surprised by how sweet he is. Not in the movie, though. (laughs)
DishDiva : blamealie says: Was this film fun or work?
The_Mummy_Returns : Patricia: It was great because we all knew each other, there wasn't that 3 or 4 weeks to adapt to new people on a movie. Also because Steven Somers was great. There are times when you have to train so hard, but there wasn't a time we wanted to kill somebody.
Arnold: When Patricia had to kiss me a hundred times, not as me but as a rotten mummy. (laughs)
DishDiva : Carol says: Will there be a "Mummy 3"?
Arnold: Carol, if you see Mummy 2 enough, there will be.
DishDiva : CheekiestDeer3 Asks: Hey Arnold saw the previews for TMR it looks fantastic, was it filmed at the same location?
Arnold: Yes, in Morocco and in Pinewood and Sheperton in London.
DishDiva : Sarahsmile says: Patricia, is acting or modeling harder?
Patricia : I think they're different. Modeling took traveling and a lot of work. Acting deals with your emotions more, when you don't get a part it can be really difficult.
DishDiva : studioguy says: Do either of you have any secrets to memorizing lines?
Arnold: I personally don't like to change the ancient Egyptian lines because my director changes it when I get on the set. But Patricia is great at it.
Patricia Velasquez says:
I did memorize a lot. I tried to find similarities in words I already knew. That's the reference I used to be able to memorize.
DishDiva : Trayz911 Asks: Is there any chance of seeing any of you in The Scorpion King with The Rock?
Arnold: No.
DishDiva : mmcandies1 Asks: To either of you ~ is there a fan club my son may write you letters?
Arnold: I would advise people to check out Lori's AV resource page. It's not a fan club, it's just a really good site.
Patricia: Just punch my name on the internet and there's some to choose from.
DishDiva : CheekiestDeer3 Asks: Heard it through the grapevine-is there a Mummy Jr. on the way?
Patricia: It's not a Mummy Jr. there's a kid in the movie but it's not our kid, it's Brendan's kid.
DishDiva : toucan321 Asks: Are your characters speaking english in TMR?
Arnold: Yes, some of the time, both of us.
DishDiva : talesofmine says: Is there a classic film that either one of you would like to do?
Arnold: Yes. I would like to redo a movie staring Warren Oats called "Bring me the Head of Alfredo Garcia" and Patricia you'll be my co-star.
DishDiva : Any chance of that actually happening?
Arnold: Maybe in 3 years.
DishDiva : spaceru Asks: Arnold, do you have any other movies coming out?
Patricia: I have a movie coming out called "Fidel Castro" and I play his wife.
DishDiva : angeleyes says: Is this a film you would take your kids to?
Arnold: Yeah. It's less scarey, what do you think Patricia?
Patricia: There's no blood. It's a film everyone would enjoy.
Arnold : The whole family can enjoy it.
DishDiva : Let's go with one final question. toucan321 Asks: Did you find the desert experience as spiritual in TMR as you did in TM?
Arnold: Yes.
Patricia: I wasn't in the desert in the Mummy 1, but in the second I was and it was very spiritual. You'll be in your trailer and a standstorm comes and you have to stop shooting and it's just great with the colors.
Arnold : It was great that we started out in Morocco so when we got to London we were all very close.
DishDiva : Patricia, Arnold, thank you for being our guests this afternoon on MSN Live. Best of luck with "The Mummy Returns.
Arnold: Please buy the biggest bag of popcorn they sell and just have a good time. It's a big a** popcorn movie.
Arnold: Thank you!