Live Web Chat with Arnold Vosloo : Courtesy UIP
Held on : Wednesday 19th July, 2000
Introduction by Lou :
For many of us, Arnold first came to our attention just over a year ago. That routine trip to the movie theatre last May, ended up having a deep and lasting effect on us. Imhotep was not your average villain, and neither was the actor portraying him. We've spent this past year looking up old films, digging up magazine articles and discussing every nuance of his performance. In addition to becoming lifelong fans of his acting, we've become a fan group that has developed lasting friendships. So, on behalf of your fans, I'd like to say a very special thanks to our guest of honour today, Arnold Vosloo.
Lou - Arnold, I've recently come into possession of all the unaired episodes of "Strange World". I was blown away by this show and felt it could have gone on to be the next "X-files" if only given half a chance. How would you have felt about being involved in a long running t.v. show? And is t.v. something you might consider again in the future?
Arnold Vosloo - Lou....I think that the problem was that it was too much like the X-Files, but if the right role came along...
Stacy - Arnold.........If I am in SA, where should I visit?
ArnoldVosloo - stacey....Capetown.
Muhrrynn - Mr. Vosloo,Having grown up in a theatre family you are probably familiar with many superstitions. Have you run into any in the movie biz?
ArnoldVosloo - Muhrrynn...absolutely. The theatre is chocablock full of superstitions, and they are all justified, but the movie business does not seem to have any. I think they cost too much!
leo - What is the movie that made you wanna be an actor??
ArnoldVosloo - leo...No movie made me want to be an actor, my parents were both actors, so I'm sort of in the family business. I think had I not become an actor, I might have gone in to agriculture.
Anaksunamun - Have you got vife Mr Vosloo?
ArnoldVosloo - anaksunamun...yes, her name is Sylvia.
masher - Is it a nightmare being famous or is this a myth?
ArnoldVosloo - masher...It comes with the turf.
babs - Arnold, what's your fav book, and why?
ArnoldVosloo - babs...just finished reading J M Coetzee's 'Disgrace' - blew me away.
lass_scottie - RAISES HAND - What is the part you would most like to play in any film?
ArnoldVosloo - lass scottie...I don't know what part I'd like to play. It's such a strange industry and the really great parts go to big movie stars. But hopefully my time will come.
leo - Arnold - what do you feel about all the trilogies coming out at the moment - Star Wars, The Matrix etc.
ArnoldVosloo - leo...sorry to keep you waiting, but this is nuts!!! I'm all for the trilogies if they surpass the previous work, but personally I thought the latest Star Wars sucked big time. I hope the Matrix does not let us down. It was my favourite movie last year.
leo - What did you feel when people said that the Mummy was a copy from the Indiana Jones movies??
ArnoldVosloo - leo...stop clogging the site, we can hear you and I'm trying my best to answer as much as I can, no it did not bug me.
Hatschepsut - Arnold, I would like to know what you like best. Theatre or film? In which you do identify?
ArnoldVosloo - hatschepsut...they are so different, almost like two different disciplines. I think you do theatre for yourself in order to hone your craft and find out about the roots of your business. The movies then become an extention of that, but if any of you are thinking about becoming actors, do theatre and everything else will follow.
Darkwoman - Arnold.. how does it feel, to go back to SA after doing so well in the states.
ArnoldVosloo - darkwoman...South African's have always been supportive of my career, and I thank them.
Cleo - Where in Yosemite is you favorite place to go?
ArnoldVosloo - cleo...have not been to Yosemite, but a friend of mine has a farm near there. I go there often with my dog, Sophie, and just walk the earth.
Ramses - Did you enjoy Rome when you came for the premiere last summer?
ArnoldVosloo Ramses...yes, I did. Rome is the coolest. The Mummy went to Taormina last year, maybe next year for Mummy Returns.
JohnMosby - Your hour here is almost up, I'd guess. Can I ask how long the film has left to shoot?
ArnoldVosloo - johnMosby...Two more months in London and then some ILM stuff back in California.
Natalshark - yeah i bet you dying for some biltong naartjies and that lol
ArnoldVosloo - natalshark...yes, biltong is king! (Host's note - biltong naartjies is a dried meat, like beef jerky!)
Darkwoman - AV.. who's your favorite actor of all time.. if you can narrow it down?
ArnoldVosloo - darkwoman...Dead, Lee Marvin and Warren Oates - alive, Morgan Freeman and Samuel L Jackson.
loren - Arnold will you attend the convention next year?
ArnoldVosloo - loren... I hope to.
masher - I fancy Rachael Weisz can you tell me briefly what she's like in real life?
ArnoldVosloo - masher...Rachel has eyes that will knock you out.
leo - What is the movie that made you wanna be an actor??
ArnoldVosloo - leo...No movie made me want to be an actor, my parents were both actors, so I'm sort of in the family business. I think had I not become an actor, I might have gone in to agriculture.
bosie - Arnold, what do you think about gay guys?
ArnoldVosloo - and let live.
MDMOM - Are you willing to have a live chat again?
ArnoldVosloo - MDMOM...this has been my first experience and it's been absolutely mad!
cleopatra - Arnold, tell us about Oded Fehr
ArnoldVosloo - cleopatra...Oded is originally from Israel and the Mummy 1 opened a lot of doors for him. He will be back in the sequel and I hope he goes from strength to strength.
Grimjack99 - Arnold, I wish I had an intelligent-sounding question to ask you, so all I'll say is I'm looking forward to the sequel.
ArnoldVosloo - grimjack99...intelligence is a relative thing. Go for it!
Phyllis - I don't know if my last question got through but here goes. I have never met a celebrity before, what should I say if I met you?
ArnoldVosloo - phyllis...just say 'hi'!
Cactus - Arnold, have you ever planned when you will retire?
ArnoldVosloo - cactus...I hope to when I'm 45.
Host - Another question from the egroups: You have said you would like to go back to South Africa to teach you still wish to do that? If you do, would you consider more or less starting an acting adademy?
ArnoldVosloo - friends of mine have started a school in Johanesburg, but the best I could do was send them some money. Right now, I've got to be working, but sure it would be great to teach.
ArnoldVosloo - ladychablis...this is hard work!
sanna - What are you going to do after the Mummy 2?
ArnoldVosloo - sanna...I'm reading scripts right now, and I hope to make a decision soon.
Roxy - Arnold I feel left out are you going to answer my question about the covention in 2001 please say you'll be there so I can see you.
ArnoldVosloo - roxy..if I'm not working, I will be there.
Mary - Arnold...before you go...please say hi to Steph Sandoval...she could be here! PLEASE?!?!?!??!?!?
ArnoldVosloo - mary...Hi, Steph.
Host - What breed(s) of horses do you best like?
ArnoldVosloo - host...Basutoland ponies.
ArnoldVosloo - Alright guys, time's up. My fingers are broken. Thanks for your time and patience, sorry I couldn't answer them all - perhaps we'll do this again. I had fun. Thanks for all the support and I hope we don't let you down with The Mummy Returns. BYE.